Hello witches and wizards!
In this article we will continue to look at the cards you can find in Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Wizarding Duels. But first of all we invite you to read the rest of the articles we have done to get to know better this new edition.
What would the wizarding world be without good Spells? Well, that's precisely what these cards are, the spells that will form your Spellbook and that your Models will be able to cast. From teleportation spells to powerful combat spells. Use them wisely to gain an advantage in Wizarding Duels. The Spell cards are composed of:

Name - Spell Name.
Range - The distance you can cast this Spell.
Modifier - Numerical value to be added or subtracted in the Clash casting this Spell.
Empower Cost – Amount and type of Power Markers we must spend to Empower the Spell
Upkeep Cost - Amount of Power Markers that must remain on the Spell if you want to Upkeep the Spell when the Clash Deck is Refilled and At the Start Phase of the turn
Combat Spell - If the Spell has these symbols it means that it is a combat spell and therefore the opponent will be able to make defensive rolls to cancel its casting.
Effect - What happens if the Spell is successfully cast.
Cooldown Clock - Number of turns the Spell will be on Cooldown until it becomes available again in the Spell Book.
Artifact cards will enhance the abilities of our models or grant them new ones. You will assign them to the Character Cards before starting the game and they are composed of:

Name - The name of the Artifact. Some Artifacts can only be assigned to certain Models (For example, Crookshanks can only be assigned to Hermione).
Cost in Galleons - The number of Galleons you must spend when Setting Up the Group if you want to assign this Artifact to a Model.
Abilities - The abilities that this Artifact grants to the Model equipped with it. In case the Artifact is an attack, it will have a number of additional values such as Attack Bonus value, Damage, Range etc.
Potions are one of the most characteristic elements in the Magical World. With a wide range of effects, in Wizarding Duels all Groups will have at their disposal a Stock of Potions that will help them to achieve victory.

Name - Name of the Potion.
Range - The distance this Potion can be throwed.
Potion Level - The level can vary between 0 (The most basic Potions) and 3 (The most advanced Potions).
Effect - What happens when the Potion is used.
With this article we finish knowing the different types of cards that we can find in the new Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Starter Box, the right combination of them is essential if we want to win. Soon we will tell you how to set up a group and the different phases within a Round of play.