Hello witches and wizards!
We bring you another preview of what we can find in the new version of Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game "Wizarding Duels". Today we are going to talk about some of the types of cards in the game, their description and their function.
In Wizarding Duels there are 6 different types of cards, 3 large and 3 small. Below we are going to list the 3 large cards and the parts they will contain. If you are familiar with the old version of the Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game, you will be familiar with many of the concepts, if not, this article can be a good starting point to get an idea of what our favourite game is all about.
Character Cards are possibly the most important cards in Wizarding Duels, it is where you can see all the stats of your Models, and the abilities they have.
Each Model has its own Character Card containing the following information:

Name - This is always the "real name" or alias of a given character. for example, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger or Ron Weasley. Although you can have different versions of the same character in your Modell collection, you cannot include more than one Model with the same name in the group.
Affiliation - This is the faction of the Magical World to which the Model belongs (Hogwarts, Death Eaters, etc.). A Model can only join Groups to which it is affiliated.
Galleons - A Model's value in Galleons, is used to determine which Models to add to your Group.
Mastery - Mastery represents the Model's spell casting ability. The number of Success symbols is the modifier the Model adds when making Clashes for Casting Tests.
Defense - The ability of this Model to resist attacks. The number of Shields is the modifier the Model adds when making a Defense Test in a Faced Clash.
Cunning - This is the number of Power Markers the Model adds to its Group's Power pool. They can be white or black. Some Models have more than one color in the Cunning Value, representing light magic and dark magic.
Item Slots - Artifact Cards are placed on top of the Character Cards and Models have a different number of item slots. Depending on how skilled or strong they are they may have more or less assigned artifacts.
Traits - These are the special skills and innate abilities that a Model possesses.
Innate Knowledge - These are Spells or Attacks that the Model knows automatically.
In Wizarding Duels there are no dice rolls. Instead to determine if a test will be a success or a failure, we will use Clash Cards. To perform a test (which we call Clash in Wizarding Duels) we will have a Deck of Clash Cards and we will reveal one from the top of the deck to see what modifier we will have in the test.
The Clash Cards are divided into two parts, an upper part which is the one that adds the modifier to the test to be performed (and with which we will determine if the action is carried out successfully) and a lower part that we will only use in Clashes against the Opponent.
At the beginning of each Round of play we will draw three Clash cards and keep them in our hand to replace a card that we have revealed but that we do not like its top or bottom part.

Upper part - The modifier to the Clash being performed – This part of the card is the equivalent of a die roll. Most of the results we can find here will be 1, 2 and 3. Although there is one card with a 0 and one card with 2+ draw another card.
Lower part - The additional effect. Only applied when the Clash is a confrontation between players, these effects are applied after solving the test, and they are very varied, from moving the model involved in the test to recovering Power Markers from the reserve.
The Quest Cards form a deck from which we will get the quests that we will have to complete to get the Quest Points (the points with which we will win the game).
Now the quests we have to complete do not depend on the map in which we play, they depend on our Quest Deck.
All the Quest Cards are separated in 9 different groups and to form the Quest Deck we will have to choose before starting the game 1 Quest Card of each group.

Name - Name of the Quest Card.
Lightning - May or may not be present on the Quest Card. Indicates that this Quest Card awards Quest Points instantly if the conditions are met, waiting until the end of the Round is not required. When you set up your Quest Deck before starting the game it cannot include more than 4 Quest Cards with the Lightning symbol.
Conditions - The conditions you must meet to score the card.
Type Identifier - When you Set Up your Quest Deck before starting the game you must include a Quest Card from each of the 9 Types. The Type Identifier indicates to which group a Quest Card belongs.
Quest Points - For each Symbol you will get one Quest Point when you meet the conditions.
These are 3 of the 6 types of cards that we can find in Wizarding Duels, the correct combination of them is essential if we want to win. In our next article you will learn about the rest of the cards included in the new Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game starter box.